


**Registrations will close March 31st**


Registration opens in RAMP January 15th. You can log into your RAMP account (or create an account for first time users) at:



Matrix Evaluations

Matrix evaluations for the 2025 season will take place in early to mid-February. Stay tuned to our social media channels for detailed dates and times.

U9-U13: Two sessions each
U15-U19: Two sessions each

Matrix Winter Sessions

We are excited to offer indoor winter training that will go from February to May. Specific dates and times will be announced once indoor space is confirmed.

Coaches Needed

We’re still looking for passionate individuals to join our coaching team for the 2025 season! If interested, please contact Amy Sim at


Special Meeting - January 30, 2025
A virtual Special Meeting will be held on January 30, 2025, at 7:00 PM to discuss plans for the upcoming season. We encourage all members to attend and share their input. If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to contact the board.

We can’t wait to kick off another fantastic season of softball and appreciate your continued support!


Player Transfer Form U15 and younger: If you reside outside the area of Lacombe, and your home community has a Softball Alberta program, you must provide an approved Player Transfer Form to complete your registration. Form available here.


**Fees Due April 30, 2025**


Here are a few links to organizations that subsidize families with kids in sports. Check it out to see if your family qualifies.




If there are any questions or concerns please contact the Registrar.

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